General enquiries, service appointments
If you need general information or want to book a service appointment, you can contact us by email, phone or Whatsapp:
Phone: +358 29 170 3507

Tampere service
Phone: +358 44 901 8995 / Whatsapp
Address: Huppionmäenkatu 5 A4, 33720 Tampere, Finland
Open: Mon-Fri 08-16, otherwise when agreed

Kankaanpää service
Phone: +358 44 901 7518 / Whatsapp
Address: Paattilammintie 114, 38760 Venesjärvi, Finland

Akkuauto Finland Oy
VAT ID: FI33192379
Finvoice E-invoicing:
Finvoice address: 003733192379
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Email (PDF) invoices:
- You can send multiple invoices in one email, but they all need to be in separate attachment. All attachments need to have different name.
- Maximum size per email is 5Mb.
- PDF-files need to be genuine PDF-documents(PDF- version 1.3 or newer).
- PDF-files must not be locked or encrypted with password
- Maximum size for the document is 210 x 297 mm.
- Allowed characters for the hame of the attachments are a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Please do not use special characters or underscores.
Paper invoices
Akkuauto Finland Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan